Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hot Controversy Strikes America: The Health Care Reform Bill Passes

So it's 3:40 am & I am about to hit the sack. Before I leave however, let me share my thoughts on the biggest issue this week & for weeks (possibly months) to come regarding & involving the very field I'm getting into: the passing of the Health Care Reform Bill in Washington, DC. It's been one of the most heated controversies for a while now, & with it's passing this past Sunday, it just added more heat to the fire.

Now I'm a registered Democrat. However, despite the bill having been won due to a majority vote via the Democrats, I'm kinda in the middle with this. I'm not 100% FOR the bill, while also not being 100% AGAINST the bill. It's a confusing & torn time right now for many who aren't completely pro or con with health care reform.

Let me give a few generalized pros & cons regarding my opinion. I'm not extremely savvy with the political system (like some people that I know), so bear with me.

1) Universal health care to everyone.
2) Affordable insurance will be offered to those who don't have any.
3) Companies & businesses will have the option to either stay with their private insurance (without penalty), or switch/purchase to the new government-regulated insurance...all for the benefits of their employees.
4) Young adults can stay as dependents under their parents' insurance until the age of 26.
5) Insurance companies will not be allowed to turn down applicants with pre-existing conditions.
6) Gives more money to Medicare & Medicaid to expand their help to those less fortunate & the elderly.

1) The cost of this bill will further expand the national debt (about $1.2 trillion more).
2) Not many people know completely what are the details of the bill.
3) It increases taxes as we would have to now pay the government to run their health care insurance, whether or not we already are under a private insurance company.
4) Now that health insurance is essentially available completely (private & government run), people question the constitutionality of the thing as it pretty much requires those without it (families & businesses) to buy insurance or pay a penalty fee.
5) Increased government involvement & control over health care.
6) The additional regulation could potentially increase costs with our current insurance provider.

Overall, those are my general pros & cons. Obviously EVERYONE deserves universal health care, & I think that this bill will finally fulfill that. It could potentially lower medical & healthcare company costs, as the government would be aiding with their budgets & everyone can now have a better chance of affording it, thereby expanding & improving the quality of care. At the same time though, because now government has their control over health care, it could result in increasing taxes, provide penalties for those who REFUSE to buy insurance, & it'll put the government in a shittier debt than it already is.

Who knows. We'll see how the next few weeks/months turn out. I'm in the middle at this point.

'Til next time.


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