Thursday, December 31, 2009

They Say to Wear Polka Dots...

It's a very common & popular superstition in the Philippines to wear polka dots or apparel with round print on them on New Years Eve. Why? According to them (& to the Chinese apparently), polka dots & round objects is good luck & symbolic of money. I usually wear them every year...with the hope of having more luck &/or gaining more money. At some points throughout the year it comes true! and of course at others it makes me more & more of a non-believer.

Yet it makes me wonder...if that was true, would it be possible to bring this country out of it's financial misery? If certain superstitions were in fact for real, could it be powerful enough to raise us up from the country's rock bottom?

The only thing true to my heart is the power & grace of God. Many through this year have either gotten closer to their faith, or have grown distant. Unanswered prayers? false hope? The reality is this: Prayers are meaningless if you just sit there expecting. Get up & do something about it. God works in mysterious ways & answers prayers when you least expect them.

So whether you believe in the power of polka dots or not, keep your faith alive & do all that you possibly can to make your prayers reality. Happy New Years Eve.

Maraming salamat sa Diyos...mahal na mahal kita Bro.

I couldn't help it. I can't lie either...this made me laugh a bit. Haha :)

Insomnia on the Morning Before a New Decade

I meant to start this on the first day of 2010. But I'm still awake & have nothing to do, so i'll start now. I'm obviously new to the whole blog thing. I haven't posted a blog since my old xanga days...YEARS ago O__O. I feel like this would be a good way for me to just let my thoughts run amok...without continually posting new statuses on facebook which a majority of my friends don't give a rat's glutes about lol.

Here's the short version of me: My name is Francis San Diego... aka "Kiko" (don't's a Filipino thing). I'm a college student studying my ass off to become established in the field of Medicine as a Cardiothoracic Surgery Nurse Practitioner...yeah I know I'm crazy. But I love this field, as one can already tell. I'm excited to enter a career where I truly & deeply feel needed & can offer my service to heal. I'm a choreographer & artist as well. I'm a lefty (right-brained) what can I say. Those are my other muses.

This past year has been...well...a damn roller coaster. One where you enjoy the ride, yet @ the same time beg to get the hell off from...multiplied by like...10. Financial struggles, loss of loved ones, all kinds of stress...ugh. Definitely one of the most difficult years. On the bright side, it has also been a very good year. I'm blessed to say that I've loved this year for bringing me closer to the field of Medicine by being more hands on @ the hospital & learning more about medicine in school, meeting/growing close or closer new people that mean alot to me, & getting in SHAPE by being consistent with my jogging & weightlifting this entire year!Hopefully the new year will bring a brighter ray of hope for everyone.

Lord, I thank You for being by my side, despite all the struggles. Bless my family & friends as we end this first decade of the new millenium & begin a new one. Continue to be by our side as we continue to go through life & be our guide in times of need. Amen.

Good everyone. Let's live up the last day of 2009.